Thursday, April 8, 2010

An explanation of sorts...

Working out a few ideas for the direction I want to take my site. I started it as a way to express what I'm feeling about everything related to my RA. Well, turns out I don't actually have RA specifically, but a condition called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD). A brief description is that it's kinda like a buffet or combo platter of a few major Connective Tissue Diseases: RA, Lupus, Scleroderma, and Polymyositis. It takes symptoms and characteristics of the different diseases, but it isn't a full blown version of any one of them.

Check out my links, book reviews, and favorite blogs. As you can see they aren't all specifically MCTD related. For one, there's not a lot out there, at least not from reputable sources. If you just tried Googling MCTD, you know what I mean. I even searched for blogs by other MCTD people and really didn't find much that was helpful there either. To make up for that, I research info about the four members (see the above list of diseases included) of the MCTD crew and gather info from each of them to help me understand MCTD better. So, I'm going to be adding some things, and playing around with others, to try to give this blog a dual purpose. I'll still be blogging about my own personal experiences and what life is like with MCTD, I have been; but I'll also be adding elements (such as the pages, you can now see above) that will also make this a resource to fellow MCTDer's like myself. I'm sure you're out there; and like me, you're probably wondering why there isn't more to know. I'm hoping to help change that.

So, sorry for the "mess" you may occasionally encounter, or if things get rearranged a few times. I'm still playing with the template, trying to widen all the areas and create more room, etc. As I'm not a programmer and really not schooled in HTML and whatnot, it may take me a while to work out.

I'm not sure how much traffic I'm getting or if people are really interested in keeping up with everything I have to say. Please leave comments, feedback, suggestions. Let me know what you like, dislike or would like to see. Also, as you may have noticed, I have a "followers" section in the left hand margin. It's empty... Feel free to help me change that. :)

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